Morphable Model

It should be easy to imagine that if multiple users start making their own micro protocol independent of each other, we will end up with many different IDs for modeling the same concepts.

This is fine and actually one of the places where the Info Triple really shines as we shall see next.

Each Info Triple has its own ID and there is no theoretical limit to how many extra Info Triples can be made referring this ID. These describing triples can themselves have triples and there is no theoretical limit to the depth at which triples "recursively" can have describing triples.

As we saw earlier Info Triples can have editorial meanings like canceling an old triple and hence new triples can be made as substitutes as we get wiser.
In the same way, two IDs can also be tagged as being equal in their semantic meaning.

Depending on the situation it may make sense to keep sets of IDs with the same meaning or decide on a "main" tag and convert all triples by creating new ones using the same "main" tag.

Thus Info Graphs as data models can be said to be morphable.

Simplifying the process of creating micro protocols with the option to later morph the model can save time and space:

- Protocol developers can get to work without caring if someone else has already modeled what they want, so they are not "doing it wrong".

- The much space and parsing resources needed to work with heavy XML documents are no longer needed which means smaller machines possible IOT devices.

- If the developer stumble upon another project with a similar protocol they can choose to go for interoperability if it is advantageous.

- Less network traffic is needed to communicate the protocol again in comparison to the present schema based ideas.